House for sale, Budapest, District III

Home » House for sale, Budapest, District III » House for sale, Budapest, District III

260 000 000 Ft

€659 865
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Schneiderné Bereczky Andrea

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FOR SALE IN RÓKAHEGYEN, ETERNAL-PANORAMIC, SUNNY, INTERIOR THREE-STOREY HOUSE WITH OWN GARDEN Centrally located, but still in a quiet side street, with several terraces, fully renovated, brick-built, insulated, family house 531 sqm landscaped on the plot. Over the past few years, numerous renovations have taken place in the property and on the plot: installation of a comprehensive camera system, installation of heat and sound-insulated doors and windows throughout the house, installation of a condensing boiler and smart boiler, roof insulation of the house - construction of bramac tiles, replacement of hot and cold coverings, renovation of terraces attached to the balcony, in addition, requesting a family discount, certified by the municipality, which entails LOW OVERHEAD COSTS. Continuous care and maintenance of the garden, as well as an outdoor grill and storage area. In addition to its countless good features, sunlight permeates the property from morning to evening, from any terrace you can enjoy the eternal panorama of Buda and the Danube, as well as the natural features of Rókahegy. The house also has a separate 2-car garage, electronic garage with electric gates and 3 separate outdoor parking spaces, which is included in the purchase price. Schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, shops nearby, also ideal in terms of public transport, everything is within reach. Thanks to its 3 separate entrances, it is suitable for several generations, but also for families and young couples. FOR SALE ON RÓKAHEGY, ETERNAL PANORAMIC, SUNNY, INTERIOR THREE-STOREY HOUSE WITH OWN PLOT AND GARDEN. In addition to its central location, but still in a quiet side street, on a 531 square meter landscaped plot, a completely renovated, brick-built, insulated family house with several terraces. In recent years, numerous renovations have been carried out in the property and on the plot: installation of a comprehensive camera system, installation of heat- and sound-insulated doors and windows throughout the house, installation of a condensing boiler and a smart boiler, insulation of the roof - installation of bramac tiles, replacement of hot and cold coverings, renovation of balconies and terraces, in addition, applying for a family discount for a municipal identity card, which results in LOW OVERHEAD COSTS. Continuous care and maintenance of the garden, as well as an outdoor grill and storage room. In addition to its countless good features, sunlight permeates the property from morning to evening, from any terrace you can enjoy the eternal panorama of Buda and the Danube, as well as the natural features of Rókahegy. The house also has a separate 2-space garage, an electric garage with electric gates and 3 separate outdoor parking spaces, which are included in the purchase price. Schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, shops nearby, also ideal from the point of view of public transport, everything within easy reach. Thanks to its 3 separate entrances, it is suitable for several generations, but also for families and young couples.

Original text

Központi elhelyezkedés mellett, de még is egy csendes-mellék utcában, több terasszal rendelkező, teljeskörűen felújított , téglából épült, szigetelt, családi-ház 531nm-es parkosított telken.

Az elmúlt évek során számtalan felújítás zajlott az ingatlanban és a telken is: teljeskörű kamerarendszer beépítése, hő és hangszigetelt nyílászárók kialakítása az egész házban, kondenzációs kazán és okos bojler beépítése, a ház tetőszigetelése-bramac cserép kiépítése, hideg-meleg burkolatok cseréje, teraszok felújítása az erkéllyel karöltve, emellett családi kedvezmény igénylése, önkormányzat által hitelesítve, ami ALACSONY REZSIKÖLTSÉGET vonz maga után.

A kert folyamatos gondozása, karbantartása, illetve kinti grillező és tároló kialakításra került.

Számtalan jó tulajdonsága mellett, reggeltől-estig napfény járja át az ingatlant, bármelyik teraszról gyönyörködhetünk a budai és dunai örök-panorámában , de a Rókahegy nyújtotta természetei adottságokban is.

A házhoz tartozik önálló 2 kocsibeállós, elektronikus garázs, elektromos kapukkal és külön 3 kültéri parkoló is, amely a vételár részét tartalmazza.

Iskolák, óvodák, gyógyszertárak, boltok a közelben, tömegközlekedési szempontból is ideális, minden egy karnyújtásnyira.

3 külön bejáratának köszönhetően több generáció számára is alkalmas, de családosoknak, fiatal pároknak is.


In addition to its central location, but still in a quiet side street, on a 531 square meter landscaped plot, a completely renovated, brick-built, insulated family house with several terraces.

In recent years, numerous renovations have been carried out in the property and on the plot: installation of a comprehensive camera system, installation of heat- and sound-insulated doors and windows throughout the house, installation of a condensing boiler and a smart boiler, insulation of the roof - installation of bramac tiles, replacement of hot and cold coverings, renovation of balconies and terraces , in addition, applying for a family discount for a municipal identity card, which results in LOW OVERHEAD COSTS.

Continuous care and maintenance of the garden, as well as an outdoor grill and storage room.

In addition to its countless good features, sunlight permeates the property from morning to evening, from any terrace you can enjoy the eternal panorama of Buda and the Danube, as well as the natural features of Rókahegy.

The house also has a separate 2-space garage, an electric garage with electric gates and 3 separate outdoor parking spaces, which are included in the purchase price.

Schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, shops nearby, also ideal from the point of view of public transport, everything within easy reach.

Thanks to its 3 separate entrances, it is suitable for several generations, but also for families and young couples.

Details of House

225 square meter

531 square meter


Self-contained house





50+ years


Ground floor

