The owner of the website (hereinafter: Website) is Ingatlancsoport Kft. (suit: 1042 Budapest, Árpád út 56. I. em. 2.; registration number: 01-09-293638;; hereinafter: Service Provider). The holder of all materials and content on this Website (including trademarks, logos, softwares, know-hows, other intellectual property) is Ingatlancsoport Kft..
The users' data are managed by Ingatlancsoport Kft..
The Website is operated by World Web Data Kft. (suit: 1043 Budapest, Árpád út 56. I. em. 2.; registration number: 01-09-293552;; hereinafter: Operator) on the basis of the Ingatlancsoport Kft.'s mandate. The Service Provider takes care of the page's maintenance and handles user complaints. Users may also contact the Service Provider with their complaints and questions:
Regarding data management Service Provider is considered as data processor.
Marco Polo Magyarország Kft. (suit: 1042 Budapest, Árpád út 56. I. em. 2.; registration number: 01-09-206282; sells the ads on the Website. You can request detailed information on advertising opportunities by email: