House for sale, Solymár

Home » House for sale, Solymár » House for sale, Solymár

29 900 000 Ft

€74 756
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Fekete Zoltán

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WE ACCEPT CASH BUYERS ONLY. In Solymár, I offer for sale a family house in need of complete renovation, for the price of a medium-sized panel apartment. The property has a huge plot of land suitable for farming, totaling 1925 m2. According to the title deed, its distribution is 520 m2 "detached house and yard", it contains the house with a floor area of 60 m2 and 1405 m2 of arable land. Due to the arable land classification and the Land Act, the property is "suspended". The posting and related procedure approx. It takes 6 months. That's how much the buyer has to wait for taking possession. Please search with this in mind. Very close to Budapest, even on the "blue" bus line, near highway number 10. The property is located between the Arany-hegyi stream and the railway. When establishing the purchase price, we took into account the condition of the property to be renovated, and the fact that it was posted. Practically, at the moment, you cannot buy real estate at a more favorable price in Solymár, but perhaps not in other surrounding settlements either. The condition of the property can be perceived in the pictures, and the floor plan shows the layout of the apartment. There are also several small farm buildings on the plot, they were once suitable for keeping small animals, some of them are to be demolished, but there are still some that can be saved. There is also a cellar in the yard. There is no sewer, a digester is available. All other utilities are there. Transportation is excellent, bus 218 stops approx. It is located 300 meters away, but the train station is not too far either. Flórián square, by bus, approx. It can be reached in 20 minutes. The Auchan department store, KFC, Burger King, gas station, etc. are one bus stop away. The area is very quiet, there are few neighbors on the street. We are looking for interested parties who would like to escape the city, but not too far. They would farm, but the Multiplex should also be close. I await your application. Important... you can't bypass the realtor, because one of the owners is me :-) I'm waiting for your call. You can call me at any time, I emphasize, at any time for questions related to real estate. But really :-) ONLY CASH BUYERS ARE WELCOME. I offer for sale in Solymar a family house in need of complete renovation, for the price of a medium-sized apartment. The property includes a huge plot of land, suitable for farming, totaling 1925 m2. The property is divided according to the title deed into 520 m2 of "detached house and yard", including the 60 m2 house and 1405 m2 of arable land. Due to the classification as arable land and the Land Law, the property is "declared". The posting and the related procedure will take about 6 months. This is the time the buyer has to wait before taking possession. Please be aware of this. Very close to Budapest, even on the "blue" bus line, near the main road number 10. The property is located between the Golden Hill stream and the railway. In setting the purchase price, we have taken into account the condition of the property to be renovated and the fact that it is advertised. Practically, at the moment, you cannot buy a property at a better price in Solymar, but perhaps not in the surrounding municipalities. The pictures show the condition of the property and the floor plan shows the layout of the apartment. There are several small farm buildings on the plot, once used for keeping small animals, some of them are to be demolished but some can be saved. There is also a cellar in the yard. No sewerage, digester available. All other utilities are present. Transport is excellent, the 218 bus stop is about 300 meters away, but the train station is not too far either. Flórián Square can be reached by bus in about 20 minutes. One bus stop away is Auchan supermarket, KFC, Burger King, petrol station etc. The area is very quiet with few neighbors on the street. We welcome people who are interested in getting out of the city, but not too far. They would be wealthy, but should be close to the multiplex as well. I look forward to receiving your application. cannot bypass the landlord, because one of the owners is ME :-) I look forward to your call. For real estate related questions, call me anytime, I stress anytime. Really :-) (Find more of our offer on the official website of VING.)

Original text

Solymáron kínálok megvételre egy teljes körű felújítást igénylő családi házat, egy közepes panellakás áráért.
Az ingatlanhoz hatalmas, gazdálkodásra alkalmas telek, mindösszesen 1925 m2 tartozik.

Tulajdoni lap szerinti megoszlása 520 m2 "kivett lakóház és udvar" ezen található a 60 m2 alapterületű lakóház valamint 1405 m2 szántó.
A szántó besorolás és a földtörvény miatt az ingatlan "kifüggesztéses". A kifüggesztés és az ezzel kapcsolatos eljárás kb. 6 hónapot vesz igénybe. Ennyit kell várnia a vevőnek a birtokba vételre. Kérem, ennek tudatában keressen.

Budapesthez nagyon közel, még a "kék" busz vonalán, a 10-es számú főút közelében.
Az ingatlan az Arany-hegyi patak és a vasút között helyezkedik el.
A vételár kialakításánál figyelembe vettük, az ingatlan felújítandó állapotát, és a kifüggesztés tényét is. Gyakorlatilag, jelen pillanatban, Solymáron, ennél kedvezőbb áron ingatlant nem lehet vásárolni, de talán a környező további településeken sem.

A képeken érzékelhető az ingatlan állapota, az alaprajz pedig megmutatja a lakás elrendezését.
A telken több kisebb gazdasági épület is található, valamikor kisállatok tartására volt alkalmas, némelyik bontandó de van ami még menthető. Egy pince is van az udvaron.

Csatorna nincs, emésztő áll rendelkezésre. Minden egyéb közmű van.
A közlekedés kiváló, a 218-as busz megállója kb. 300 méterre található, de a vasútállomás sincs túl messze. A Flórián tér, busszal, kb. 20 perc alatt érhető el.
Egy buszmegállóra van az Auchan áruház, KFC, Burger King, benzinkút stb.
A terület nagyon csendes, kevés szomszéd van az utcában.

Olyan érdeklődőket várunk, akik kimenekülnének a városból, de azért nem túl messze. Gazdálkodnának, de legyen közel a Multiplex is. Várom jelentkezésüket.

Fontos...nem lehet megkerülni az ingatlanost, mert az egyik tulaj Én vagyok :-)

Várom hívását. Ingatlannal kapcsolatos kérdésekben bármikor, hangsúlyozom, bármikor hívhat.

De tényleg :-)


I offer for sale in Solymar a family house in need of complete renovation, for the price of a medium sized apartment.
The property includes a huge plot of land, suitable for farming, totalling 1925 m2.

The property is divided according to the title deed into 520 m2 of "detached house and yard", including the 60 m2 house and 1405 m2 of arable land.
Due to the classification as arable land and the Land Law, the property is "declared". The posting and the related procedure will take about 6 months. This is the time the buyer has to wait before taking possession. Please be aware of this.

Very close to Budapest, even on the "blue" bus line, near the main road number 10.
The property is located between the Golden Hill stream and the railway.
In setting the purchase price, we have taken into account the condition of the property to be renovated and the fact that it is advertised. Practically, at the moment, you cannot buy a property at a better price in Solymar, but perhaps not in the surrounding municipalities.

The pictures show the condition of the property and the floor plan shows the layout of the apartment.
There are several small farm buildings on the plot, once used for keeping small animals, some of them are to be demolished but some can be saved. There is also a cellar in the yard.

No sewerage, digester available. All other utilities are present.
Transport is excellent, the 218 bus stop is about 300 metres away, but the train station is not too far either. Flórián Square can be reached by bus in about 20 available in minutes.
One bus stop away is Auchan supermarket, KFC, Burger King, petrol station etc.
The area is very quiet with few neighbours on the street.

We welcome people who are interested in getting out of the city, but not too far. They would be wealthy, but should be close to the multiplex as well. I look forward to receiving your application. cannot bypass the landlord, because one of the owners is ME :-)

I look forward to your call. For real estate related questions, call me anytime, I stress anytime.

Really :-)
(További kínálatunkat keresse a VING hivatalos weboldalán.)

Details of House

60 square meter

1 925 square meter

to be renovated

Self-contained house







