House for sale, Budapest, District X

Home » House for sale, Budapest, District X » House for sale, Budapest, District X

249 600 000 Ft

€621 607
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Fekete Zoltán

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I offer for sale a multi-generational family house of more than 400 m2 in Óhegy in the 10th district of Budapest. The area of ​​the entire lot is 775 m2. The property consists of a total of 4 completely separated apartments with separate entrances. First apartment: - 88.6 m2. - Located on the ground floor. - The renovation took place in the spring of 2022, and it has not been used since then. - It consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, 2 separate toilets, a bathroom and a hall. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electricity and water meter counter. Second apartment: - 87.8 m2 - It is located on the floor opening from the terrace above the garden of the house. - The cleanliness painting was done in 2021 - it consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, a toilet, a bathroom and a hall. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house. Third apartment: - 89.8 m2 - Located on the ground floor. - The gas boiler was replaced in 2019 - Internal two-story - A room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a pantry and a vestibule were created on the lower floor. - The upper level consists of 2 rooms, a bathroom and an entrance hall. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house. Basement: - 140 m2 - 240 cm ceiling height - it also has a street exit - it is also heated by a gas boiler The property also includes a completely separate 72 m2 lightweight warehouse, a 25 m2 covered terrace and a garden pond. The paved roads in the garden provide parking for 4-6 cars. Also, the width of the entrance allows 3.5 ton trucks to enter and park. Parking is free on the street. Transportation is excellent, the bus stop is a 3-minute walk away. The neighborhood is great, the Óhegy park (including playground, running track), pharmacy, shopping, restaurants, bars are also within walking distance. We offer free credit management and legal advice to my current and future clients. We also undertake the preparation of an energy certificate within a short period of time. I'm waiting for your call. You can call me at any time, I emphasize, at any time for questions related to real estate. . . Really :-) I offer for sale a multi-generational family house of more than 400 m2 in Óhegy in the 10th district of Budapest. The area of ​​​​the entire lot is 775 m2. The property consists of a total of 4 completely separated apartments with separate entrances. First apartment: - 88.6 m2. - Located on the ground floor. - The renovation took place in the spring of 2022, and it has not been used since then. - It consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, 2 separate toilets, a bathroom and a hall. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electricity and water meter counter. Second apartment: - 87.8 m2 - The house is located on the floor opening from the stairs leading up from the terrace above the garden. - The cleanliness painting took place in 2021 - It consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, a toilet, a bathroom and an anteroom. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house. Third apartment: - 89.8 m2 - Located on the ground floor. - The gas boiler was replaced in 2019 - Internal two-story - On the lower floor, a room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a pantry and a vestibule were created. - The upper level consists of 2 rooms, a bathroom and an entrance hall. - It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house. Basement: - 140 m2 - 240 cm interior height - also has a street exit - is also heated by a gas boiler The property also includes a completely separate 72 m2 lightweight warehouse, a 25 m2 covered terrace and a garden pond. The paved roads in the garden provide parking for 4-6 cars. Also, the width of the entrance allows 3.5 Ton trucks to drive in and park. Parking is free on the street. Transportation is excellent, the bus stop is a 3-minute walk away. The neighborhood is great, Óhegy park (including playground, running track), pharmacy, shopping, restaurants, bars are also within walking distance. We offer free credit management and legal advice to my current and future clients. We also undertake the preparation of an energy certificate within a short period of time. (Find more of our offer on the official VING website.)

Original text
Megvételre kínálok Budapest X. kerületében Óhegyen egy több mint 400 m2-es, többgenerációs családi házat.
A teljes telek területe 775 m2.

Az ingatlan összesen 4 db külön bejáratú, teljesen szeparált lakásból áll.

Első lakás:
- 88.6 m2.
- A földszinten helyezkedik el.
- 2022 tavaszán történt a felújítás, azóta pedig nem használt.
- 3 szobából, egy étkezős konyhából, 2 külön Wc-ből, egy fürdőszobából és egy előszobából áll.
- Kondenzációs kazánnal, külön gáz-villany és vízmérő alórával rendelkezik.

Második lakás:
- 87.8 m2
- A ház kert felöli teraszáról felvezető lépcsőről nyíló emeleten helyezkedik el.
- A tisztasági festés 2021-ben történt
- 3 szobából, egy étkezős konyhából, Wc-ből, fürdőszobából és egy előszobából áll.
- Kondenzációs kazánnal, külön gáz-villanyórával és a ház közös fő vízmérő órával rendelkezik.

Harmadik lakás:
- 89.8 m2
- Földszinten helyezkedik el.
- 2019-ben történt a gázkazán cseréje
- Belső kétszintes
- Az alsó szinten egy szoba, egy fürdőszoba, egy konyha, egy kamra és egy előtér került kialakításra.
- A felső szint 2 szobából, egy fürdőszobából és egy előtérből áll.
- Kondenzációs kazánnal, külön gáz-villanyórával és a ház közös fő vízmérő órával rendelkezik.

- 140 m2
- 240 cm belmagasság
- utcai kijárattal is rendelkezik
- fűtése szintén gázkazánról történik

Tartozik még az ingatlanhoz egy teljesen különálló 72 m2-es könnyűszerkezetes raktár, egy 25 m2-es fedett terasz és egy kerti tavacska.

A kertben térkövekkel fedett, kialakított közlekedő utak 4-6 gépkocsi számára biztosítanak parkolási lehetőséget. Illetve a bejáró szélessége lehetővé teszi a 3.5 Tonnás tehergépkocsik behajtását, parkolását is.
Az utcán ingyenes a parkolás.

A közlekedés kiváló, a buszmegálló 3 perc sétatávolságra található.
A környék szuper, az Óhegy park, (ezen belül játszótér, futópálya), gyógyszertár, bevásárlási lehetőség, éttermek, bárok szintén sétatávolságra találhatók.

Jelenlegi és leendő ügyfeleimnek díjmentes hitelügyintézést és ügyvédi tanácsadást kínálunk.
Energetikai tanúsítvány elkészítését is rövid határidővel vállaljuk.

Várom hívását. Ingatlannal kapcsolatos kérdésekben bármikor, hangsúlyozom, bármikor hívhat.
De tényleg :-)

I offer for sale a multi-generational family house of more than 400 m2 in Óhegy in the 10th district of Budapest.
The area of ​​the entire lot is 775 m2.

The property consists of a total of 4 completely separated apartments with separate entrances.

First apartment:
- 88.6 m2.
- Located on the ground floor.
- The renovation took place in the spring of 2022, and it has not been used since then.
- It consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, 2 separate toilets, a bathroom and a hall.
- It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electricity and water meter counter.

Second apartment:
- 87.8 m2
- The house is located on the floor opening from the stairs leading up from the terrace above the garden.
- The cleanliness painting took place in 2021
- It consists of 3 rooms, a kitchen with a dining room, a toilet, a bathroom and an anteroom.
- It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house.

Third apartment:
- 89.8 m2
- Located on the ground floor.
- The gas boiler was replaced in 2019
- Internal two-story
- On the lower floor, a room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a pantry and a vestibule were created.
- The upper level consists of 2 rooms, a bathroom and an entrance hall.
- It has a condensing boiler, a separate gas-electric meter and the main water meter shared by the house.

- 140 m2
- 240 cm interior height
- also has a street exit
- is also heated by a gas boiler

The property also includes a completely separate 72 m2 lightweight warehouse, a 25 m2 covered terrace and a garden pond.

The paved roads in the garden provide parking for 4-6 cars. Also, the width of the entrance allows 3.5 Ton trucks to drive in and park.
Parking is free on the street.

Transportation is excellent, the bus stop is a 3-minute walk away.
The neighborhood is great, Óhegy park (including playground, running track), pharmacy, shopping, restaurants, bars are also within walking distance.

We offer free credit management and legal advice to my current and future clients.
We also undertake the preparation of an energy certificate within a short period of time.
(További kínálatunkat keresse a VING hivatalos weboldalán.)

Details of House

400 square meter

775 square meter


Self-contained house







