House for sale, Budapest, District II

Home » House for sale, Budapest, District II » House for sale, Budapest, District II

480 000 000 Ft

€1 201 231
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Móré Mariann

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IN A POPULAR PART OF BUDALIGET, PANORAMIC, POOL, THREE-GENERATION VILLA!! In the Budaliget district of Budapest II, near the French School, on a terraced plot on the side of Remetehey, a villa building built in a classic style in the 1990s, with an eternal panoramic view of the Pilis Mountains, is for sale. The building has a net area of ​​507 m2, a gross area of ​​650 sqm, 4+2 (attic, machine room) floors, the associated plot is 660 m2 (19mx 35m,). The division of the villa building is as follows: On the ground floor, opening from the front garden at street level, there is the entrance, hallway, a study, a bedroom, a bathroom and a separate toilet, a salon and a library room with a balcony. A beautiful carved wooden staircase connects the completely separable floors in the NW corner of the house. One level down from the ground floor there is a 5-car garage, a boiler room, a hall, a living room and dining room, a kitchen, a guest bedroom, a bathroom and a separate toilet/sink. One level down on the garden level there is a wellness area: a 10mx4m heated water-circulating pool with a counter-current system (engine room level below), a dressing room, a storage room and a bathroom, with full-width sliding glass doors opening onto the cozy, sunny, well-kept garden surrounded by tall thujas. The concrete side of the house, which is terraced and blends into the hillside, has been double insulated. Upstairs there is a kitchen with Miele appliances, a living room with a panoramic balcony, three bedrooms, a bathroom with a Ravak corner bathtub, a separate toilet/sink. The currently unused attic of approx. 90 m2 (area above 1.5 m) with Velux roof windows, water and electricity outlets can be built on. The house is surrounded by sun, elegant adjustable wooden shutter doors and blinds protect from the sun. Uniquely designed, highly decorative Finnish larch windows and doors have been installed in the building. Both kitchens are equipped with built-in furniture, a stove, an extractor hood, a dishwasher and a refrigerator. Built-in cabinets in the bedrooms and other rooms help with storage. Most of the house has underfloor heating, while radiators provide warmth in the bedrooms. The covering of the rooms is varied according to their function, with wooden parquet, strip parquet, stone, tiles and carpet flooring. The terraces are paved with outdoor tiles. The house also has a central vacuum cleaner, a built-in water softening system, an alarm and a wi-fi system. The garden is landscaped and equipped with an irrigation system. The property has an electric gate and an electric garage door. The transportation is excellent, the Hűvösvölgyi tram terminus and P+R are reachable in 5 minutes, SzéllKálmán Square in 25 minutes. Bus stop 5 minutes walk. HÜVI Shopping Center, LIDL, SPAR,,TECO-Express, post office, pharmacy, kindergartens, nurseries, schools can all be found nearby. Quiet, peaceful green belt, away from the noise of the city, but still close to everything. The property is an excellent investment due to its excellent location and, due to the separability of the floors, is also ideal for multi-generation and embassy residences.In Budapest II district, Budaliget area, near the French school, on a terraced plot on the side of Remete Hill, a well-maintained villa , built in classical style in the 1990s, with an eternal panoramic view of the Pilisi Mountains is for sale.The building has a net floor area of ​​​​507 m2 (without the attic and engine room), agross floor area of ​​​​650 m2, 4 + 2 (attic, engine room) floors, the plot is 660 m2 (19mx35m,). The division of the building is as follows: On the ground floor, which opens from the front garden on the street level, there is an entrance, a corridor, a study, a bedroom, a bathroom and a separate toilet, a lounge and a library room with a balcony. A beautiful carved wooden staircase connects the fully separable floors in the north-west corner of the house. One level below the ground floor is the 5-car garage, the boiler room, an entrance hall, a living-dining room, a kitchen, a guest bedroom, a bathroom and a separate toilet / sink. One level further down on the garden level wellness area: heated, circulating, counter-current equipped 10mx4m pool (with engine room a further level down), dressing room, storage and bathroom, opening with full width sliding glass doors onto the cosy, sunny, well-kept garden surrounded by tall thuja bushes for privacy. The terraced house rolls down on the hillside built on a concrete base with double insulation. Upstairs Miele kitchen with dining area, living room with panoramic balcony, three bedrooms, a bathroom with Ravak corner bath, separate toilet. The currently unused approx. 90m2 attic with fitted Velux attic-windows, water and electric outlet, needs internal cladding. The house is very bright, surrounded by elegant adjustable wooden shutter doors and blinds to protect from the sun. The building has uniquely designed, highly decorative Finnish larch windows and doors. Both kitchens have built-in furniture, a stove, extractor, dishwasher and refrigerator. Built-in wardrobes in bedrooms and other rooms help with storage. Most of the house has underfloor heating, while the bedrooms have radiators. The floor covering of the rooms is varied according to their function, wood parquet, strip parquet, stone, tile and carpet floor can all be found. The terraces are covered with outdoor tiles. The house also has a central vacuum cleaner, a built-in water softening system, analarm and a wi-fi system. The garden is landscaped and equipped with an irrigation system. The property has an electric gate and an electric garage door. Great transport: Hűvösvölgy tram terminal and P + R can be reached in 5 minutes, Széll Kálmán square in 25 minutes. Bus stop 5 minutes walk. HÜVI Shopping Center, LIDL, SPAR,, TECO-Express, post office, pharmacy, kindergartens, nurseries, schools can all be found nearby. Quiet, calm suburban area. The property is good investment due to its excellent location, and well separable floors, it is suitable for several generations, or as a residence for embassies.

Original text
BUDALIGET KÖZKEDVELT RÉSZÉN, PANORÁMÁS, MEDENCÉS, HÁROM GENERÁCIÓS VILLA!!Budapest II kerület Budaliget városrészben, a Francia iskola közelében, a Remetehegy oldalában teraszosan beépített telken, az 1990-es években klasszikus stílusban épült, kitűnően karbantartott, a Pilisi hegyekre örök panorámás villaépület eladó.Az épület nettó 507 m2 , bruttó 650 nm alapterületű 4+2 (tetőtér, gépház) szintes, a hozzá tartozó telek 660 m2 (19mx 35m,). A villaépület tagozódása a következő:Az utca szinten levő előkertből nyíló földszinten található a bejárat, közlekedő,egy dolgozószoba, egy hálószoba, fürdőszoba és külön WC-mosdó, egyszalon és egy könyvtárszoba erkéllyel. Gyönyörű faragott fa lépcső köti össze a ház É-Ny-i sarkában a teljesen szeparálható emeleteket. A földszinttől egy szinttel lejjebb található az 5 állásos garázs, a kazánház, egy előszoba, egy nappali étkező, egy konyha, egy vendég hálószoba, fürdőszoba és külön WC/mosdó.Egy szinttel még lejjebb a kert szinten wellness részleg: fűtött vízforgatós, ellenáramoltatóval felszerelt 10mx4m medence (alatta gépház szint), öltöző, tároló és fürdőszoba, teljes szélességében eltolható üvegajtókkal megnyitva a hangulatos, napos, szépen gondozott, magas tujákkal körbevett kertre. A ház teraszosan a hegyoldalra simuló beton oldala, dupla szigetelést kapott.Az emeleten Miele gépekkel felszerelt konyha étkezővel, nappali panorámás erkéllyel, három hálószoba, egy Ravak sarokkádas fürdőszoba, külön WC-mosdó.A jelenleg nem használt, Velux tetőtéri ablakokkal, víz-, és elektromos kiállással ellátott kb. 90 m2 (1.5 m feletti terület) tetőtér beépíthető. A ház körbenapozott, elegáns állítható fa zsalugáter ajtók és reluxák védik a naptól. Az épületben egyedi tervezésű, rendkívül dekoratív finn vörösfenyő ablakok és nyílászárók kerültek beépítésre. Mindkét konyha beépített bútorokkal, tűzhellyel, elszívóval, mosogatógéppel és hűtővel felszerelt. A hálószobákban és egyéb helyiségekben beépített szekrénye segíti a tárolást.A ház nagy részében padlófűtés van, míg a hálószobákban radiátorok biztosítják a meleget. A helyiségek burkolata funkciójuknak megfelelően változatos, faparketta, szalagparketta, kő, csempe és szőnyegpadló egyaránt megtalálható. A teraszok kültéri járólappal burkoltak. A házban továbbá központi porszívó, kiépített vízlágyító rendszer, kiépített riasztó és wi-fi rendszer került beépítésre. A kert parkosított, öntözőrendszerrel ellátott. Az ingatlanban elektromos kapu és elektromos garázsajtó üzemel.Közlekedése kiváló, a Hűvösvölgyi villamos végállomás és P+R 5 perc alatt, SzéllKálmán tér 25 perc alatt elérhető. Buszmegálló 5 perc séta. HÜVI Bevásárlóközpont,LIDL, SPAR,,TECO-Express, posta, gyógyszertár, óvodák, bölcsődék, iskolák mind megtalálhatók a közelben. Csendes, nyugodt zöldövezet, távol a város zajától, de mégis közel mindenhez. Az ingatlan kitűnő elhelyezkedése végett kiváló befektetés, a szintek szeparálhatósága miatt pedig kiválóan alkalmas több generációnak és követségei rezidenciának is.In Budapest II district, Budaliget area, near the French school, on a terraced plot onthe side of Remete Hill, a well-maintained villa , built in classical style in the 1990s,with an eternal panoramic view of the Pilisi Mountains is for sale.The building has a net floor area of ​​507 m2 (without the attic and engine room), agross floor area of ​​650 m2, 4 + 2 (attic, engine room) floors, the plot is 660 m2 (19mx35m,). The division of the building is as follows: On the ground floor, which opens from the front garden on the street level, there isan entrance, a corridor, a study, a bedroom, a bathroom and a separate toilet, alounge and a library room with a balcony. A beautiful carved wooden staircaseconnects the fully separable floors in the north-west corner of the house. One level below the ground floor is the 5-car garage, the boiler room, an entrancehall, a living-dining room, a kitchen, a guest bedroom, a bathroom and a separatetoilet / sink.One level further down on the garden level wellness area: heated, circulating,counter-current equipped 10mx4m pool (with engine room a further level down),dressing room, storage and bathroom, opening with full width sliding glass doors ontothe cosy, sunny, well-kept garden surrounded by high thuja bushes for privacy. Theterraced house rolls down on the hillside built on a concrete base with doubleinsulation.Upstairs Miele kitchen with dining area, living room with panoramic balcony, threebedrooms, a bathroom with Ravak corner bath, separate toilet.The currently unused approx. 90m2 attic with fitted Velux attic-windows, water andelectric outlet, needs internal cladding.The house is very bright, surrounded by elegant adjustable wooden shutter doorsand blinds to protect from the sun. The building has uniquely designed, highlydecorative Finnish larch windows and doors.Both kitchens have built-in furniture, a stove, extractor, dishwasher and refrigerator.Built-in wardrobes in bedrooms and other rooms help with storage.Most of the house has underfloor heating, while the bedrooms have radiators. Thefloor covering of the rooms is varied according to their function, wood parquet, stripparquet, stone, tile and carpet floor can all be found. The terraces are covered withoutdoor tiles.The house also has a central vacuum cleaner, a built-in water softening system, analarm and a wi-fi system. The garden is landscaped and equipped with an irrigationsystem. The property has an electric gate and an electric garage door.Great transport: Hűvösvölgy tram terminal and P + R can be reached in 5 minutes,Széll Kálmán square in 25 minutes. Bus stop 5 minutes walk. HÜVI Shopping Center,LIDL, SPAR ,, TECO-Express, post office, pharmacy, kindergartens, nurseries,schools can all be found nearby. Quiet, calm suburban area.The property is goodinvestment due to its excellent location, and well separable floors, it is suitable forseveral generations , or as a residence for embassies.

Details of House

625 square meter

661 square meter







21-50 years


Ground floor

