Translated text
*For English please scroll down.* Due to the owner moving abroad, a LOFT apartment in downtown Pécs with a ceiling height of over 3m is for sale from the owner. You can move in immediately. The price includes the FULL equipment and accessories as shown in the pictures (except personal items). Parking in the underground garage. The apartment underwent a complete renovation 3 years ago with the following extras: * Designer (BoConcept, KARE) and antique furniture & accessories * Bathroom & kitchen faience, faucets, accessories and design: Villeroy & Boch * Decorative concrete floor that flows throughout the entire apartment * Heat pump refrigerator-heater Hitachi air conditioner (industrial solution, ceiling air duct blowing) * BWT water softening system * BWT water purification system * Samsung 65” Frame TV and home theater system * Alarm * Electric blinds * Privacy window film * Fully equipped kitchen with AEG machines * Built-in extractor hood * Laundry room with AEG washing machine and dryer * Built-in tea corner * Wine cooler * Walk-in wardrobe * Electric fireplace * LED mood lighting * Soundproofing * Etc. All further information by phone or in person. xxx Due to moving abroad, a highly desirable LOFT apartment with over 3-meter ceiling height in the center of Pécs is for sale by the owner. Available for occupancy after July 21. The price includes ALL furnishings and accessories as shown in the pictures (except personal items). Parking space in the underground garage. The apartment underwent a complete renovation 3 years ago, including the following extras: * Designer (BoConcept, KARE) and antique furniture & accessories * Bathroom & kitchen ceramics, faucets, accessories, and design: Villeroy & Boch * Decorative industrial concrete flooring throughout the apartment * Hitachi heat pump cooling-heating air conditioner (industrial solution, ceiling ducted ventilation) * BWT water softening system * BWT water purification system * Samsung 65” Frame TV and home theater system * Alarm system * Electric blinds * Privacy window * Fully equipped kitchen with AEG appliances * Built-in kitchen extractor fan * Laundry room with AEG washer and dryer * Built-in tea corner * Wine cooler * Entrance wardrobe * Electric fireplace * LED ambience lighting * Soundproofing * Etc. For further information, please contact by phone or in person.
Original text
*For English please scroll down.*
Külföldre költözés miatt tulajdonostól eladó egy minden igényt kielégítő, 3m feletti belmagasságú, Pécs belvárosi LOFT lakás. Azonnal beköltözhető.
Az árban a TELJES berendezés és kiegészítők is benne vannak a képek szerint (kivéve személyes tárgyak). Beálló a mélygarázsban.
A lakás 3 éve teljes körű felújításon esett át az alábbi extrákkal:
* Designer (BoConcept, KARE) és antik bútorok & kiegészítők
* Fürdőszobai & konyhai fajanszok, csapok, kiegészítők és design: Villeroy & Boch
* A teljes lakásban egybefolyó dekor-beton padló
* Hőszivattyús hűtő-fűtő Hitachi klíma (ipari megoldás, plafoni légcsatornás befújás)
* BWT vízlágyító rendszer
* BWT víztisztító rendszer
* Samsung 65” Frame TV és házimozi rendszer
* Riasztó
* Elektromos árnyékoló
* Belátásgátló ablakfóliázás
* Teljesen felszerelt konyha AEG gépekkel
* Konyhapultba épített páraelszívó
* Mosókonyha AEG mosógéppel és szárítógéppel
* Beépített tea sarok
* Borhűtő
* Bejárati gardrób
* Elektromos kandalló
* LED hangulatvilágítás
* Hangszigetelés
* Stb.
Minden további információ telefonon vagy személyesen.
Due to moving abroad, a highly desirable LOFT apartment with over 3-meter ceiling height in the center of Pécs is for sale by the owner. Available for occupancy after July 21.
The price includes ALL furnishings and accessories as shown in the pictures (except personal items). Parking space in the underground garage.
The apartment underwent a complete renovation 3 years ago, including the following extras:
* Designer (BoConcept, KARE) and antique furniture & accessories
* Bathroom & kitchen ceramics, faucets, accessories, and design: Villeroy & Boch
* Decorative industrial concrete flooring throughout the apartment
* Hitachi heat pump cooling-heating air conditioner (industrial solution, ceiling ducted ventilation)
* BWT water softening system
* BWT water purification system
* Samsung 65” Frame TV and home theater system
* Alarm system
* Electric blinds
* Privacy window
* Fully equipped kitchen with AEG appliances
* Built-in kitchen extractor fan
* Laundry room with AEG washer and dryer
* Built-in tea corner
* Wine cooler
* Entrance wardrobe
* Electric fireplace
* LED ambience lighting
* Soundproofing
* Etc.
For further information, please contact by phone or in person.
2nd floor
Luxury convenience
119 square meter
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