Apartment for sale, Budapest, District XI

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District XI » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District XI

110 000 000 Ft

€278 855
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Schneiderné Bereczky Andrea

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For sale is a beautifully renovated, 80 m², brick-built apartment in the heart of our city. This home could be ideal for a family with children, especially those who want to enjoy all the comforts of city life while living in a calm, quiet environment. The apartment is 80 square meters, renovated, with a loggia. The 40 sqm American kitchen has 2 bedrooms in addition to the living room. The II. it is located on the first floor, there is an elevator, it overlooks a quiet green garden. The building is in Bauhaus style and is in good condition. This home is ideal for a family with children, especially those who want to enjoy all the comforts of city life while living in a peaceful, quiet environment. The apartment is 80 m², renovated, with a loggia. It features a 40 m² American-style kitchen and living room, along with 2 bedrooms. Located on the second floor, it has an elevator and overlooks a quiet green garden. The building is in good condition and designed in Bauhaus style. Overall, this property is the perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable, modern home in the city center, close to everything, yet ensuring a tranquil and quiet environment. Don't miss this unique opportunity—contact us today to view your dream home! Additionally, the apartment is easy to rent out, making it an excellent opportunity for investors. The renovation paid particular attention to the use of quality materials and details. The apartment is not only known for its cozy homey atmosphere but also for its modern amenities, such as the cooling-heating air conditioning, which ensures a pleasant indoor temperature all year round. All in all, this property is the perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable, modern home in the city center that is close to everything, yet provides a calm and quiet environment. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity, contact us today to view your dream home! It is not a negligible aspect that the apartment can be rented out easily, so it is also an excellent opportunity for buyers with investment purposes. During the renovation, special attention was paid to the use of quality materials and details. The apartment is not only known for its warm homely atmosphere, but also for its modern comfort functions, such as the cooling-heating air conditioner, which ensures a pleasant interior temperature all year round.

Original text
Eladó egy gyönyörűen felújított, 80 m²-es, tégla építésű lakás, városunk szívében. Ez az otthon ideális lehet egy gyermekes család számára, különösen azoknak, akik a városi élet minden kényelmét élvezni kívánják, miközben nyugodt, csendes környezetben élnek.

A lakás 80 nm-es felújított, lodzsás. A 40 nm-es amerikaikonyhás nappali melett 2 hálószobával rendelkezik. A II. emeleten található, lift van, csendes zöld kertre néz.
Az épület bauhaus stílusú, jó állapotú.

This home is ideal for a family with children, especially those who want to enjoy all the comforts of city life while living in a peaceful, quiet environment.

The apartment is 80 m², renovated, with a loggia. It features a 40 m² American-style kitchen and living room, along with 2 bedrooms. Located on the second floor, it has an elevator and overlooks a quiet green garden. The building is in good condition and designed in Bauhaus style.

Overall, this property is the perfect choice for those looking for a comfortable, modern home in the city center, close to everything, yet ensuring a tranquil and quiet environment. Don’t miss this unique opportunity—contact us today to view your dream home!

Additionally, the apartment is easy to rent out, making it an excellent opportunity for investors. The renovation paid particular attention to the use of quality materials and details.

The apartment is not only known for its cozy homey atmosphere but also for its modern amenities, such as the cooling-heating air conditioning, which ensures a pleasant indoor temperature all year round.

Összességében, ez az ingatlan tökéletes választás lehet azok számára, akik a város központjában keresnek egy kényelmes, modern otthont, amely közel van mindenhez, ugyanakkor biztosítva a nyugodt és csendes környezetet. Ne hagyja ki ezt az egyedülálló lehetőséget, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma, hogy megtekinthesse álmai otthonát!

Nem elhanyagolható szempont, hogy a lakás könnyen kiadható, így befektetési céllal vásárlók számára is kiváló lehetőség. A felújítás során különös figyelmet fordítottak a minőségi anyagok használatára és a részletekre.

A lakás nemcsak a meleg otthoni hangulatáról ismert, hanem a modern kényelmi funkciókról is, mint például a hűtő-fűtő klíma, ami egész évben kellemes belső hőmérsékletet biztosít.

Details of Apartment

2nd floor




Modern convenience

50+ years

80 square meter




Garden view
