Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII

234 900 000 Ft

€591 911
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Meister Éva

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They invest! 4 furnished two-story studios for sale in Dob Street. The girl's apartment is in a separate building in the courtyard of the community house. The property is 124 m2 on the property sheet, and the interior height of the apartments is above 2 m both downstairs and upstairs. The useful area is 218 square meters. The dimensions of the apartments after the renovation were as follows: 1st apartment 38.5 m2 + 24 m2 gallery 2nd apartment 28.5 m2 + 31 m2 gallery 3. apartment 27.5 m2 + 22 m2 gallery. 4th apartment 29.5 m2 + 17 m2 gallery The basement (windowed basement) has an independent topographic number + 192 m2. The basement under the building is a basement with windows, it has been renovated and can be used as a community space. Electricity 3 2A. The apartments also have a storage room. There are 2 parking spaces in the yard. The property is only for sale as a unit! Airbnb is being processed. The entire basement + building is 410 m2, furnished/mechanized with billiard tables in the basement. Price: HUF 349,000,000 For investors! 4 two-storey studios for sale in Dob Street, furnished. The four apartments are in a separate building in the courtyard of the condominium. The property title deed is 124 m2, the ceiling height of the apartments is above 2 m both above and below. The usable area is thus 218 sqm. The dimensions of the apartments after the renovation are as follows: Apartment 1: 38.5 m2 + 24 m2 gallery Apartment 2 28.5 m2 + 31 m2 gallery Apartment 3 27.5 m2 + 22 m2 gallery. Apartment 4 29.5 m2 + 17 m2 gallery The cellar still has an independent topographical number of + 192 m2. The cellar under the building - windowed basement character, it has been renovated and can be used as a community space. Electricity 32A. In addition, there are 4 storage rooms, each for each apartment. There are 2 parking spaces in the yard, which can be taken forward for those who buy the property. The property is only for sale in one! Airbnb is being managed. 410 m2 of the whole cellar + building, usually furnished/mechanized in the cellar with billiard tables, etc. Price: 349,000,000 HUF 920,000 Euros 對於投运者! 4個兩層一室公司在Dob街成力,帶傢俱。 這四間公店位於公司庭院一棟獨立建築內。 房產證為124㎡,公式的天花板运动在在时间和世界均在2米下载。 Therefore, the usable area is 218 sq.m. The apartment size after the renovation is as follows: Apartment 1: 38,5 m 2 + 24 m2 drawing room Apartment 2 28,5 m2 + 31 m2 drawing room Apartment 3 27,5 m2 + 22 m2 畫廊。 Apartment 4 29,5 m2 + 17 m2 畫廊 地田(帶窗戶的地间室) still has + 192 m2 of 獨立在线編號。 建结物在线的地端 - 帶窗戶的地间室电影电影电影电影的电影,名已經過翻新,可以电影社區空間。 Power 3 2A. Apartment 還設有儲藏室。 院関有2個停車位。 販物業元名前! Airbnb is in management。 整個酒瘺+建篇的410㎡,在帶檯球桑的地碧中佈置/機记化。 價格: 349,000. 000 福林 920,000 Euros

Original text
Budapest belvárosában,befektetöknek,bérbeadóknak.
Dob utcában eladó 4 db kètszintes garzon, bútorozottan.
A nègy lakàs önàllò èpületben van a tàrsashàz udvaràn.
Az ingatlan tulajdoni lapon 124 m2, a lakások belmagassága lent és fent is 2 m felett van.
A hasznos terület igy 218 nm.
A lakások méretei a felújítás után így alakultak:
1.lakás 38,5 m2 + 24 m2 galéria
2.lakás 28,5 m2 + 31 m2 galéria
3.lakás 27,5 m2 + 22 m2 galéria.
4.lakás 29,5 m2 + 17 m2 galéria
Villany 3 2A.
A lakásokhoz táróló tartozik , 2 db parkolóhely ,ami megvásárolható, további 2 db bérelhető.
Minden lakáshoz tároló és pince tartozik.

In the centre of Budapest, for investors, landlords.
In Dob street for sale 4 apartments on two floors, furnished.
The four flats are in a self-contained building in the tàrsashàz yard.
The property is 124 m2 on the title deed, with a ceiling height of over 2 m above and below.
The useful area is thus 218 sqm.
The dimensions of the flats have been changed after the renovation:
Apartment 1 38,5 m2 + 24 m2 gallery
Apartment 2 28,5 m2 + 31 m2 gallery
3.apartment 27,5 m2 + 22 m2 gallery.
Apartment 4 29,5 m2 + 17 m2 gallery
Electricity 3 2A.
The flats have a terrace , 2 parking spaces which can be purchased, 2 more can be rented.
Each apartment has a storage room and a cellar.

У центрі Будапешта, для інвесторів, орендодавців.
На вулиці Доб продаються 4 двоповерхові квартири, мебльовані.
Чотири квартири знаходяться в окремому будинку у дворі тарсашазу.
Площа нерухомості становить 124 м2 за документом про право власності, з висотою стель понад 2 м зверху і знизу.
Таким чином, корисна площа становить 218 кв.м.
Розміри квартир були змінені після ремонту:
Квартира 1 38,5 м2 + галерея 24 м2
Квартира 2 28,5 м2 + галерея 31 м2
3.квартира 27,5 м2 + галерея 22 м2.
Квартира 4 29,5 м2 + галерея 17 м2
Електрика 3 2А.
Квартири мають терасу, 2 паркувальних місця, які можна придбати, ще 2 можна орендувати.
У кожній квартирі є комора та підвал.

Details of Apartment





Modern convenience

Newly built

218 square meter

House with multiple flats



