Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VI

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VI » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VI

71 600 000 Ft

€181 546
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Schneiderné Bereczky Andrea

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On the FIRST FLOOR of a 2-story apartment building near ANDRÁSSY ÚT and HőSÖK SQUARE, a 70 NM 2 + 2 HALF BEDROOMS apartment is for sale, with a 10 sqm gallery. The distribution of the apartment Upon entering the apartment, we reach the spacious hall, from here the 2 semi-bedrooms overlooking the inner courtyard open to the left. One has a window, the other opens onto a separate private open river, both rooms have galleries. The hall leads to the bathroom, separate toilet, and the laundry room. The living room with an American kitchen opens from the other end of the hall, which is joined by another spacious, southeast-facing room overlooking Szondi Street. Complete renovation The apartment has been newly renovated with the installation of quality materials, its new owner will be the first resident after the renovation. Water, gas, heating, electricity, wooden doors and windows, cold coverings, oak parquet, thermally insulated aluminum shutters and a total of 10 square meter gallery were installed. A Viessmann combi boiler provides hot water, but can also be switched to an electric boiler that works with electricity at night if required. In the living room with an American kitchen, the corpus of the kitchen furniture has been designed, a gas hob, an electric oven and a sink tray are built in. Central location The apartment is located within walking distance of Andrássy út, Hősök tere and Városliget. The city center can be easily reached within moments by public transport with the nearby routes (trolley 72,75,79, bus 105, 20,30, and the M1 metro). Perfect for a family home or long-term investment. ................................................... ................................................... ....................... Near ANDRÁSSY ÚT and HŐSÖK TERE on the FIRST FLOOR of a 2-storey apartment building for sale a BRILLIANT, 70 sqm 2 + 2 BEDROOMS with 10 sqm gallery, tastefully renovated. Layout of the apartment Entering the apartment, you get into the spacious entrance hall, from here to the left opens the 2 half rooms overlooking the courtyard. One with a window, the other with a private open hallway door, both rooms have a gallery. The entrance hall leads to the bathroom, separate toilet and laundry room. At the other end of the hallway is the living room with American kitchen and a spacious large room facing south-east, overlooking Sondi Street. Complete renovation The apartment has been freshly renovated with quality materials and the first tenant will be the new owner. Water, gas, heating, electricity, wooden doors and windows, cold tiles, oak parquet, insulated aluminum shutters and a total of 10 sqm gallery have been installed. Viessmann combi circo boiler provides hot water, but can also be converted to a night-time electric water heater if required. In the living room with American kitchen, the kitchen furniture carcass has been designed, gas hob, electric oven and sink tray are built in. Central location The apartment is within walking distance of Andrassy Avenue, Heroes Square and the City Park. The city center can be reached within moments by convenient public transport with lines nearby (trolleybus 72,75,79, bus 105, 20,30, and metro M1). Ideal for a family home or as a long-term investment.

Original text
ANDRÁSSY ÚT és HŐSÖK TERE közelében egy 2 emeletes társasház ELSŐ EMELETÉN eladó egy 70 NM-ES 2 + 2 FÉLSZOBÁS igényesen FELÚJÍTOTT, 10 nm galériával rendelkező lakás.

A lakás elosztása

A lakásba belépve a tágas előszobába jutunk, innen balra nyílik a belső udvarra néző 2 félszoba. Egyik ablakos, a másik egy külön privát nyitott folyósóra nyitott, mindkét szoba galériás.

Az előszobábaból nyílik a fürdőszoba, külön WC, és a mosókonyha.

Az előszoba másik végéből nyílik az amerikai konyhás nappali, amelyhez még egy tágas, Szondi utcára néző, délkeleti tájolású nagy szoba csatlakozik.

Teljeskörű felújítás

A lakás minőségi anyagok beépítésével frissen fel lett újítva, új tulajdonosa lesz a felújítás utáni első lakó.

Víz, gáz, fűtés, villany, fa nyílászárók, hideg burkolatok, tölgy parketta, hőszigetelt alumínium redőny és összesen 10nm galéria került beépítésre.

Viessmann kombi cirkó cirkó biztosítja a meleg vizet, de igény esetén átállítható éjszakai árammal működő villanybojlerre is.

Az amerikai konyhás nappaliban a konyhabútor korpusza lett kialakítva, gáz főzőlap, elektromos sütő és mosogatótálca be van építve.

Központi elhelyezkedés

A lakás sétatávolságra helyezkedik el az Andrássy úttól, Hősök terétől és a Városligettől. A belváros pillanatokon belül elérhető kényelmesen tömegközlekedéssel a közelben lévő járatokkal (troli 72,75,79, busz 105, 20,30, és az M1 metró).

Családi otthonnak vagy hosszútávú befektetésnek egyaránt kiváló.

Near ANDRÁSSY ÚT and HŐSÖK TERE on the FIRST FLOOR of a 2-storey apartment building for sale a BRILLIANT, 70 sqm 2 + 2 BEDROOMS with 10 sqm gallery, tastefully renovated.

Layout of the apartment

Entering the apartment, you get into the spacious entrance hall, from here to the left opens the 2 half rooms overlooking the courtyard. One with a window, the other with a private open hallway door, both rooms have a gallery.

The entrance hall leads to the bathroom, separate toilet and laundry room.

At the other end of the hallway is the living room with American kitchen and a spacious large room facing south-east, overlooking Sondi Street.

Complete renovation

The apartment has been freshly renovated with quality materials and the first tenant will be the new owner.

Water, gas, heating, electricity, wooden doors and windows, cold tiles, oak parquet, insulated aluminium shutters and a total of 10 sqm gallery have been installed.

Viessmann combi circo boiler provides hot water, but can also be converted to a night-time electric water heater if required.

In the living room with American kitchen, the kitchen furniture carcass has been designed, gas hob, electric oven and sink tray are built in.

Central location

The apartment is within walking distance of Andrassy Avenue, Heroes Square and the City Park. The city centre can be reached within moments by convenient public transport with lines nearby (trolleybus 72,75,79, bus 105, 20,30, and metro M1).

Ideal for a family home or as a long term investment.

Details of Apartment

1st floor




Modern convenience

50+ years

70 square meter




