Apartment for sale, Budapest, District II

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District II » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District II

158 000 000 Ft

€382 289
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Schneiderné Bereczky Andrea

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Bauhaus villa apartment, bright spaces, balcony overlooking a green garden, close to bustling life, yet in a quiet environment. Preview: Budapest II. district on Fillér street, in a Bauhaus building built in 1940, 74m2 floor area + 8m2 balcony, 3 rooms, separate wardrobe room, bright kitchen with window, renovated, good condition property. Why choose this: Its central location is very favorable, among other things, close to Széll Kálmán square, Mamut shopping center and Millenáris park. The bourgeois-style property is renovated and maintained. - Bauhaus style - windows facing 3 directions - separate opening rooms - renovated wiring - original, high-quality restored windows with copper handles - wardrobe room - spacious balcony overlooking the quiet back garden - shared garden - marble flooring - easily adaptable rooms - separate restroom from the bathroom - small apartment building - nice neighbors - almost barrier-free access Due to the terrain, the entrance to the apartment is on the ground floor, but there is a residential property below the additional rooms and it can be said to be more like a first floor. The House and the Garden: The residential community in the 6-apartment building is cultured and organized. Its large garden, which can be used freely, is characterized by rose bushes and slightly romantically sprawling plants. It is a lively, bustling, but at the same time peaceful part of the 2nd district, where we can find the ideal balance between social life and nature. Its infrastructure is outstanding: numerous, bus and tram, M2 metro, within walking distance. Városmajor park, dog walker, market, Millenáris park and Mamut too. The area is characterized by a real gastronomic culture, with a varied selection. The property is 1/1 freehold. ---------------------------------- Bauhaus villa apartment, bright spaces, with a balcony overlooking a green garden, close to the bustling life, yet in a calm environment. Preliminary: Budapest II. district in Fillér Street, in a Bauhaus building built in 1940, with a floor area of ​​​​74 m2 + 8 m2 balcony, 3 rooms, a separate wardrobe room, a bright kitchen with windows, renovated property in good condition. Why choose this: Its central location is very favorable, among other things, close to Széll Kálmán tér, Mamut shopping center and Millenáris park. The bourgeois-style property has been renovated and maintained. - Bauhaus style - overlooking 3 different points of the compass - separate opening rooms - renewed wiring - original, high-quality restored windows with copper handles - wardrobe room - spacious balcony facing the quiet garden at the back - shared garden - marble cladding - easily adaptable rooms - separate toilet from the bathroom - apartment building with a small number of apartments - nice neighbors - almost barrier-free access Due to the topography, the entrance to the apartment is on the ground floor, but there is a residential property below the other rooms and it can be said to be on the first floor. The House and the Garden: The residential community in the 6-apartment building is cultured and orderly. It has a large garden, which can be used freely, characterized by rose bushes and somewhat romantically proliferating plants. The II. district, where we can find the ideal balance between social life and nature. Its infrastructure is outstanding: numerous buses and trams, the M2 metro, within walking distance. Városmajor park, dog run, market, Millenáris park and the Mammoth. The area is characterized by a real gastronomic culture, with a varied selection. The property is 1/1 owned and free of encumbrances.

Original text
Bauhaus villa lakás, világos terek, zöld kertre néző erkéllyel, közel a nyüzsgő élethez, mégis nyugodt környezetben.

Budapest II. kerületében a Fillér utcában, 1940-ben épült Bauhaus épületben, 74m2 alapterületű+ 8m2 erkéllyel rendelkező, 3 szobás, külön gardróbszobával, ablakos világos konyhával rendelkező, felújított, jó állapotú ingatlan.

Miért erre essen a választás:
Központi elhelyezkedése igen kedvező, többek között, közel a Széll Kálmán térhez, a Mamut bevásárlóközponthoz és a Millenáris parkhoz is. A polgári stílusú ingatlan felújított és karbantartott.
- Bauhaus stílus
- 3 égtáj felé néző ablakok
- külön nyíló szobák
- felújított vezetékek
- eredeti, magas minőségben restaurált ablakok, réz fogantyúval
- gardróbszoba
- tágas erkély, amely a hátsó csendes kert felé néz
- közös használatú kert
- márvány burkolat
- jól alakítható helyiségek
- külön mellékhelyiség a fürdőszobától
- kis lakáslétszámú társasház
- kedves szomszédok
- szinte akadálymentes megközelítés

A domborzati viszonyoknak köszönhetően a lakás bejárata földszinti, de a további helyiségek alatt lakóingatlan található és inkább első emeletinek mondható.

A Ház és a Kert:
A 6 lakásos épületben a lakóközösség kulturált és rendezett. Nagy kertje, szabadon használható, rózsabokrok és kissé romantikusan burjánzó növények jellemzik.

Egyszerre élettel teli, nyüzsgő, de ugyanakkor nyugodt része a II. kerületnek, ahol, megtalálhatjuk az ideális egyensúlyt a szociális élet és a természet között.
Infrastruktúrája kiemelkedő: számos, busz és villamos, M2-es metró , sétatávolságra. Városmajor park, kutyafuttató, piac, Millenáris park és a Mamut is.
A környéket igazi gasztro kultúra jellemzi, változatos választékkal.

Az ingatlan 1/1 tulajdonú tehermentes.

Bauhaus villa apartment, bright spaces, with a balcony overlooking a green garden, close to the bustling life, yet in a calm environment.

Budapest II. district in Fillér Street, in a Bauhaus building built in 1940, with a floor area of ​​74 m2 + 8 m2 balcony, 3 rooms, a separate wardrobe room, a bright kitchen with windows, renovated property in good condition.

Why choose this:
Its central location is very favorable, among other things, close to Széll Kálmán tér, Mamut shopping center and Millenáris park. The bourgeois-style property has been renovated and maintained.
- Bauhaus style
- overlooking 3 different points of the compass
- separate opening rooms
- renewed wiring
- original, high-quality restored windows with copper handles
- wardrobe room
- spacious balcony facing the quiet garden at the back
- shared garden
- marble cladding
- easily adaptable rooms
- separate toilet from the bathroom
- apartment building with a small number of apartments
- nice neighbors
- almost barrier-free access

Due to the topography, the entrance to the apartment is on the ground floor, but there is a residential property below the other rooms and it can be said to be on the first floor.

The House and the Garden:
The residential community in the 6-apartment building is cultured and orderly. It has a large garden, which can be used freely, characterized by rose bushes and somewhat romantically proliferating plants.

The II. district, where we can find the ideal balance between social life and nature.
Its infrastructure is outstanding: numerous buses and trams, the M2 metro, within walking distance. Városmajor park, dog run, market, Millenáris park and the Mammoth.
The area is characterized by a real gastronomic culture, with a varied selection.

The property is 1/1 owned and free of encumbrances.

Details of Apartment

1st floor




Modern convenience

50+ years

74 square meter




Garden view
