Land for sale, Budapest, District VIII

Home » Land for sale, Budapest, District VIII » Land for sale, Budapest, District VIII

315 000 000 Ft

€783 777
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Vass Attila

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Translated text
Its zoning classification is L1-VIII-5, it is a closed-off, metropolitan residential area. Site accessibility The property can be accessed via the paved road network. The estate has the following utilities: water, electricity, gas, sewage. The area is surrounded on all sides. Its zoning classification is L1-VIII-5, it is a closed-off, metropolitan residential area. Site accessibility The property can be accessed via the paved road network. The estate has the following utilities: water, electricity, gas, sewage. The area is surrounded on all sides.

Original text
Övezeti besorolása L1-VIII-5, zártsorú beépítésű, nagyvárosias lakóterület.

Telek megközelíthetősége Az ingatlan kiépített szilárd burkolatú úthálózatán keresztül közelíthető meg.
A telepen az alábbi közművek vannak: víz, villany, gáz, csatorna.
A terület minden oldalról körülkerített.

Its zoning classification is L1-VIII-5, it is a closed-off, metropolitan residential area.

Site accessibility The property can be accessed via the paved road network.
The estate has the following utilities: water, electricity, gas, sewage.
The area is surrounded on all sides.

Details of Land






695 square meter

