Land for sale, Budapest, District II

Home » Land for sale, Budapest, District II » Land for sale, Budapest, District II

69 900 000 Ft

€174 929
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Vargáné Polyakovszky Andrea

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Bp, II. A LOT for sale in Szépvölgy, in a quiet, green-belt street, at a favorable price. A plot of land for sale with plans and a preliminary building permit in the quiet, traffic-free Cirbolya utca above Fenyőgyöngye Vendéglő on Szépvölgyi út. There is currently a smaller residential building and a parade building on the lot. The floor area of the residential building is 40 square meters, a brick-concrete structure with a concrete slab, the superstructure is a heat-insulated wooden structure approx. 24 sqm + terrace, including a room with a shower cabin in the foreground, kitchen area + hand sink, heating electric floor heating /infrared heating film/. In the basement there is a toilet, washing machine, dryer and storage. A preliminary building permit has been issued for the conversion and expansion of a 1-apartment residential building based on the attached blueprints (I will send additional drawings upon request). The plans were made for a 3-room two-story family house + garage, but it can also be converted into 4 rooms. The south-facing, flat lot is a 600 square meter fenced-off part of a larger undivided common property, which has been used for decades according to the ownership shares, the legal division is already in progress. The property is located in a mountainous, garden-city, large-lot residential area in construction zone marked L6/A-II-08. The construction of the site is free-standing, with a minimum green area ratio of 80%. Electricity (3 phases) and water inside the plot, gas, sewer in the street. Here we can enjoy the quiet garden city environment and the proximity of the city at the same time. Excellent shopping opportunities are provided at the nearby Kolosy Square and the Rózsakert Shopping Center. The forest hiking spots and caves provide pleasant leisure programs for the whole family. I look forward to hearing from you even on the weekend. You can contact me in English as well even on the weekends.

Original text
Bp, II. Szépvölgyben, csendes, zöldövezeti utcában TELEK eladó kedvező áron.
For English, please, scroll down
A Szépvölgyi úti Fenyőgyöngye Vendéglő feletti csendes, forgalommentes Cirbolya utcában telek eladó.
A telken jelenleg egy kisebb lakóépület és egy felvonulási épület található. A lakóépület alapterülete 40 nm alul tégla-beton szerkezet beton födémmel a felépítmény hőszigetelt fa szerkezet kb. 24 nm + terasz, benne egy szoba zuhanykabinnal előtérben konyharész + kézmosó a fűtés elektromos padlófűtés /infra fűtőfilm/. Az alagsorban WC, mosógép, szárítógép és tároló van.
A déli fekvésű, sík telek 600 nm-es körbekerített része egy nagyobb osztatlan közös ingatlannak, amelyet évtizedek óta a tulajdoni hányadoknak megfelelően használnak, az ügyvédi használati megosztás már folyamatban van.
Az ingatlan hegyvidéki, kertvárosias, nagytelkes lakóterületen L6/A-II-08 jelű építési övezetben található.
Villany (3 fázis) és víz a telken belül, gáz, csatorna az utcában található.
Itt egyszerre élvezhetjük a csendes kertvárosias környezetet és a város közelségét.
A közeli Kolosy téren és a Rózsakert Bevásárló Központban kiváló vásárlási lehetőségek biztosítottak.
Az erdei kirándulóhelyek, barlangok kellemes szabadidős programokat biztosítanak az egész család részére.
Várom megtisztelő érdeklődését akár hétvégén is.
Bp, 2nd district, buildig PLOT/LAND for sale in Szépvölgy, in a quiet, green street at a favorable price.
A plot of land for sale in the quiet, traffic-free Cirbolya street above Fenyőgyöngye Restaurant (on Szépvölgyi út).
There is currently a small house and a side building on the lot, The floor area of the building is 40 square meters, a brick-concrete structure with a concrete slab, the superstructure is a thermally insulated wooden structure approx. 24 sqm + terrace, including a room with a shower cabin in the foreground, kitchen area + hand sink, heating, electric floor heating /infrared heating film/. In the basement there is a toilet, washing machine, dryer and storage.
The south-facing, flat plot of land is a 600 square meter fenced part of a larger undivided common property, which has been used for decades according to the ownership shares, legal settlement is already in progress
The property is located in a mountainous, garden-city, large-lot residential area in construction zone marked L6/A-II-08.
Electricity (3 phases) and water inside the lot, gas, sewer in the street.
Here we can enjoy the quiet garden city environment and the proximity of the city at the same time.
Excellent shopping opportunities are provided at the nearby Kolosy Square and the Rózsakert Shoping Center.
The forest hiking spots and caves provide pleasant leisure programs for the whole family.
You can contact me in English as well even on the weekends.

Details of Land

Land for building

In the street

In the street



600 square meter

Inside the estate

Inside the estate
