House for sale, Isaszeg

Home » House for sale, Isaszeg » House for sale, Isaszeg

48 000 000 Ft

€120 003
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Fekete Zoltán

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The purchase price of the property is not so favorable by chance, because it is and will remain encumbered with usufruct, so it will be sold in this construction. The two beneficiaries are 65 and 70 years old. This is a real, long-term investment. You certainly won't find an apartment with such a huge plot of land and two separate entrances for your child at this price. By the time the children grow up, the property is expected to be available and its value will continue to rise, as the value of real estate generally does. In this scheme, the purchase is only possible for cash or it can be purchased on credit by charging another property. In a quiet street of Isaszeg, we offer for sale a two-part family house with a floor area of 190 m2, located on a plot of 1338 m2. Spacious, bright rooms with large windows for those who care about the extraordinary atmosphere. The two completely separated apartments with separate entrances allow two generations to live together. As an additional source of income, one of the apartments can be rented out!! Layout of the rooms according to the floor plan: 1. APARTMENT: Living room + 2 rooms, 1 bedroom, kitchen with dining room, pantry, wardrobe, bathroom, separate toilet, corridor, covered terrace. 2ND APARTMENT: Living room + 2 rooms, kitchen with dining room, pantry, bathroom. Built-in 21 m2 terrace. Under the house there is a cellar of approx. 40 m2, a garage suitable for parking a small car, and the boiler house is located here. The house was built in the 90s, a brick building with a tiled roof. The building is constantly maintained, in very good condition!! (roof replacement, electrical wiring replacement 12 years ago and 6 years ago, dryvit insulation from the outside 3 years ago, boiler replacement 2 years ago.) Heating with a mixed fuel boiler, currently solved with wood, central radiator. Windows are plastic doors and windows with shutters. Quiet neighborhood, yet close to the center of Isaszeg! The large garden is also excellent for farming! You can call me at any time, I emphasize, at any time for questions related to real estate. But really :-) There is a reason why the purchase price of the property is so favorable, as it is and will remain a USE LIST, so it will be sold in this scheme. The two beneficiaries are aged 65 and 70. This is a real long-term investment. You will not find a house with two separate entrances at this price for your child on such a large plot. By the time the children are grown up, the property is expected to be available and the value will continue to rise, as property values tend to do. We offer for sale in a quiet street of Isaszeg, on a plot of 1338 m2, a detached house of 190 m2 with two apartments. Spacious, bright rooms with large windows provide an exceptional atmosphere. The two completely separated living areas with separate entrances allow two generations to live together. As an additional source of income, one of the apartments can be rented out!! Rooms are arranged according to the floor plan: PART 1: Living room + 2 bedrooms, 1 half room, kitchen with dining room, pantry, walk-in closet, bathroom, separate toilet, hallway, covered terrace. SECTION 2: Living room + 2 bedrooms, kitchen with dining area, pantry, bathroom. Built-in terrace of 21 m2. Under the house there is a 40 m2 cellar, a garage for a small car and a boiler room. The house was built in the 90s, tiled roof, brick building. The building is constantly maintained, in very good condition!! (roof replacement, replacement of electrical wiring 12 years ago and 6 years ago, dryvit insulation was installed on the outside 3 years ago, boiler replacement 2 years ago.) Heating with a central radiator, currently with wood. Windows are plastic, fitted with shutters. Quiet area, yet close to the center of Isaszeg! The large garden is also excellent for farming! For any questions about the property, please call anytime, I stress, anytime. Really :-) (Find more of our offer on the official website of VING.)

Original text
Az ingatlan vételára nem véletlenül ilyen kedvező, ugyanis HASZONÉLVEZETTEL terhelt és az is marad, tehát ebben a konstrukcióban kerül értékesítésre. A két haszonélvező 65 és 70 évesek.
Ez egy igazi, hosszú távú befektetés. Gyermekének ilyen árban biztosan nem talál ekkora hatalmas telekkel, két külön bejáratú lakást. Mire felnőnek a gyerekek, az ingatlan várhatóan rendelkezésre fog állni és az értéke pedig folyamatosan emelkedik, mint az ingatlanok értéke általában.
Ebben a konstrukcióban a vásárlás csak készpénzre lehetséges vagy esetleg egy másik ingatlan megterhelésével lehet hitelre megvásárolni.

Isaszeg csendes utcájában kínálunk eladásra, 1338 m2 telken elhelyezkedő, 190 m2 alapterületű, két lakrészből álló családi házat.
Tágas, világos, nagy ablakokkal ellátott helyiségek gondoskoknak a rendkívüli hangulatról.

A két teljesen elszeparált, külön bejáratú lakrész lehetővé teszi két generáció együttélését.
Plusz bevételi forrásként, az egyik lakrész kiadható!!

Helyiségek alaprajz szerinti elrendezése:
Nappali+2 szoba, 1 félszoba, konyha étkezővel, spejz, gardrób, fürdőszoba, különálló WC, közlekedő, fedett terasz.
Nappali+2 szoba, konyha étkezővel, spejz, fürdőszoba. Beépített 21 m2 terasz.
A ház alatt kb 40 m2 pince, kisebb autó beállására alkalmas garázs található, itt kapott helyet a kazánház.

A ház a 90-es években épült, cseréptetős, tégla épület. Az épület folyamatosan karbantartott, nagyon jó állapotú!! (tetőcsere, villany vezetékek cseréje 12 éve, illetve 6 éve, 3 éve dryvit szigetelést kapott kívülről, kazán csere 2 éve történt.)

Fűtés vegyestüzelésű kazánnal, jelenleg fával megoldott, központi radiátoros.
Ablakok műanyag nyílászárók, redőnnyel ellátottak.

Csendes környék, mégis közel Isaszeg központjához! A nagy kert gazdálkodásra is kiváló!

Ingatlannal kapcsolatos kérdésekben bármikor, hangsúlyozom, bármikor hívhat.
De tényleg :-)

There is a reason why the purchase price of the property is so favourable, as it is and will remain a USE LIST, so it will be sold in this scheme. The two beneficiaries are aged 65 and 70.
This is a real long-term investment. You will not find a house with two separate entrances at this price for your child on such a large plot. By the time the children are grown up, the property is expected to be available and the value will continue to rise, as property values tend to do.

We offer for sale in a quiet street of Isaszeg, on a plot of 1338 m2, a detached house of 190 m2 with two apartments.
Spacious, bright rooms with large windows provide an exceptional atmosphere.

The two completely separated living areas with separate entrances allow two generations to live together.
As an additional source of income, one of the apartments can be rented out!!

Rooms are arranged according to the floor plan:
Living room + 2 bedrooms, 1 half room, kitchen with dining room, pantry, walk-in closet, bathroom, separate toilet, hallway, covered terrace.
Living room + 2 bedrooms, kitchen with dining area, pantry, bathroom. Built-in terrace of 21 m2.
Under the house there is a 40 m2 cellar, a garage for a small car and a boiler room.

The house was built in the 90s, tiled roof, brick building. The building is constantly maintained, in very good condition!! (roof replacement, replacement of electrical wiring 12 years ago and 6 years ago, 3 years ago dryvit insulation was installed on the outside, boiler replacement 2 years ago.)
Heating with a central radiator, currently with wood.
Windows are plastic, fitted with shutters.

Quiet area, yet close to the centre of Isaszeg! The large garden is also excellent for farming!

For any questions about the property, please call anytime, I stress, anytime.
Really :-)
(További képekért és információkért kérem hívjon!)

Details of House

190 square meter

1 338 square meter


Self-contained house


Tiled stove





