Translated text
XI. In the quiet street of KELENVÖLGY KERTVÁROSIAS residential area, Bazsalikom Street, 510 sqm RESIDENTIAL ZONE all-utility Lke-2-XI-02 ZONE CLASSIFIED* lot, gas-heated, currently one-story unbuilt attic space awaiting RENOVATION, SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING For sale with a BUILDING, a 2-bay GARAGE building and a lightweight STORAGE annex, plus a yard accessible from the street through a driveway. The installed floor area is approx. 216 sqm - total net equivalent floor area approx. 153 sq m, of which the single-storey main building has a net floor area of 106 sq m, the latter is to be renovated with brick wall gas boiler heating, the roof has recently been renewed. The property has industrial electricity. ....a real garden-city environment, VARIABLE PROPERTIES with countless possibilities: AFTER RENOVATION AND INSTALLATION OF A ROOF, even a MULTI-GENERATION RESIDENCE, FAMILY HOUSE with parking spaces in the existing garage building, with parking options in the yard Don't miss it, BEST INVESTMENT for a family home or a renovated apartment for rent! *plot zoning regulations: 25% buildability (35% below ground level, 0.5 level area indicator, max. building height 6-6.5m). A renewed multi-generational new residential building or family house can also be built, with the existing 2-bay garage building with parking options in the yard, planned green space. Architectural plans have been prepared for the planned condition and are available. ...and don't forget: real quiet CENTRAL ENVIRONMENT, while EVERYTHING IS WITHIN ACCESSIBLE DISTANCE: • PUBLIC TRANSPORT: local buses (58, 153) directly on the street, and buses in the surrounding area (150, 250), which take you to shopping centers, subways, downtown etc. • SHOPPING CENTERS 10 minutes away (Etele Plaza, SPAR, LIDL, ALDI, ALLEE) • kindergarten school nearby • SPORTS CENTERS within reach (Sport11sport and leisure center approx. 5 minutes, Tüskeusozoda approx. 10 minutes, etc.) • highways M1 M7 exit a few minutes away.... CALL for details! District 11th of Budapest, in the quiet street of KELENVÖLGY, in Bazsalikom Street, a 510 sqm RESIDENTIAL ZONING * lot, on the plot a one-story building is awaiting RENOVATION with unbuilt attic, BUILDING suitable for CONSTRUCTION OF APARTMENT BUILDING, 2-bay GARAGE building and with a light structure STORAGE annex, plus a yard accessible from the street through a driveway, for SALE. The installed floor area is approx. 216 sqm - total net equivalent floor area approx. 153 sq m, of which the single-storey main building has a net floor area of 106 sq m, the latter is to be renovated with brick wall gas boiler heating, the roof has recently been renewed. The property has industrial electricity. ..a real garden city environment, variable parameters with countless possibilities: AFTER RENOVATION and ROOF CONSTRUCTION, either a MULTI-GENERATION FAMILY HOUSE for a large family or even a new RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, with parking spaces in the existing garage building, with parking options in the yard. Don't miss it, BEST INVESTMENT for a family home or renovated apartments! *plot zoning regulations: 25% buildability (35% below ground level), 0.5 level area index, max. building height 6-6.5m) Renovated FAMILY HOUSE or even a NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE can be built, with the existing 2-car garage building with parking options in the yard, planned green area. Architectural plans have been prepared for planned conditions and are available. ..and remember: a real quiet GARDENCITY surrounding, while EVERYTHING IS WITHIN ACCESSIBLE DISTANCE: • PUBLIC TRANSPORT: local buses directly on the street (58, 153) and buses in the surrounding area (150, 250), which take you to shopping centers, subways, downtown, etc. • SHOPPING CENTERS 10 minutes away (Etele Plaza, SPAR, LIDL, ALDI, ALLEE) • kindergarten and school in the area • SPORT CENTERS within reach (Sport11sport and leisure center approx. 5 minutes, Tüske swimming pool approx. 10 minutes, etc. ) • motorways M1 M7 exit a few minutes away.... Contact me for details.
Original text
XI. KELENVÖLGY KERTVÁROSIAS lakóövezeti csendes utcájában, a Bazsalikom utcában, 510 nm alapterületű LAKÓÖVEZETI összközműves Lke-2-XI-02 ÖVEZETI BESOROLÁSÚ* telek, a telken álló MEGÚJÍTÁSRA váró gázfűtéses, jelenleg egyszintes beépítetlen padlásterű, LAKÓÉPÜLET KIALAKÍTÁSÁRA ALKALMAS ÉPÜLETTEL, 2-állásos GARÁZS épülettel és könnyűszerkezetes TÁROLÓ melléképülettel, plusz az utcáról gépkocsibehajtón át megközelíthető gépkocsibeállásra alkalmas udvarral eladó.
A beépített alapterület kb. 216 nm – összes nettó egyenértékű alapterület kb. 153 nm, amelyből az egyszintes főépület nettó 106 nm alapterületű, utóbbi téglafalas gázkazán fűtésű felújítandó, fedése a közelmúltban megújított. Az ingatlan ipari árammal rendelkezik.
….valódi kertvárosias környezet, VARIÁBILIS ADOTTSÁGOK számtalan lehetőséggel: MEGÚJÍTÁST TETŐTÉR BEÉPÍTÉST KÖVETŐEN akár TÖBBGENERÁCIÓS LAKÓHÁZ, CSALÁDIHÁZ a meglévő garázsépület beállóival, udvari beállási lehetőségekkel
Ne hagyja ki, LEGJOBB BEFEKTETÉS akár családi otthonnak vagy megújított lakás kiadásra!
*telek övezeti előírások: 25% beépíthetőség (35% terepszint alatti, 0,5 szintterületi mutató, max. építménymagasság 6-6,5m).
Megújult akár többgenerációs új lakóház, családiház is kialakítható, a meglévő 2-állásos garázs épülettel udvari beállási lehetőségekkel, tervezett zöldfelülettel. Tervezett állapotra készültek építész tervek, rendelkezésre állnak.
...és ne feledje: igazi csendes KERVÁROSIAS KÖRNYEZET, miközben MINDEN ELÉRHETŐ TÁVOLSÁGBAN:
• TÖMEGKÖZLEKEDÉS: közvetlenül az utcában helyi buszok (58, 153), és buszok a környezetében (150, 250), amelyekkel elérhető távolságban a bevásárlóközpontok, metrók, belváros stb
• BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONTOK 10 perc távolságra (Etele Plaza, SPAR, LIDL, ALDI, ALLEE)
• óvoda iskola a környezetében
• SPORTKÖZPONTOK elérhető távolságban (Sport11sport és szabadidő központ kb. 5 percre, Tüskeuszoda kb. 10 percre stb.)
• autópályák M1 M7 kivezető pár percre....
A részletekért HÍVJON!
District 11th of Budapest, in the quiet street of KELENVÖLGY, in Bazsalikom Street, a 510 sqm RESIDENTIAL ZONING * lot, on the plot a one-story building is awaiting RENOVATION with unbuilt attic, BUILDING suitable for CONSTRUCTION OF APARTMENT BUILDING,
2-bay GARAGE building and with a light structure STORAGE annex, plus a yard accessible from the street through a driveway, for SALE.
The installed floor area is approx. 216 sqm - total net equivalent floor area approx. 153 sq m, of which the single-storey main building has a net floor area of 106 sq m, the latter is to be renovated with brick wall gas boiler heating, the roof has recently been renewed. The property has industrial electricity.
..a real garden city environment, variable parameters with countless possibilities: AFTER RENOVATION and ROOF CONSTRUCTION, either a MULTI-GENERATION FAMILY HOUSE for a large family or even a new RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, with parking spaces in the existing garage building, with parking options in the yard.
Don't miss it, BEST INVESTMENT for a family home or renovated apartments!
*plot zoning regulations: 25% buildability (35% below ground level), 0.5 level area index, max. building height 6-6,5m)
Renovated FAMILY HOUSE or even a NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE can be built, with the existing 2-car garage building with parking options in the yard, planned green area. Architectural plans have been prepared for planned condition and are available.
..and remember: a real quiet GARDENCITY surrounding, while EVERYTHING IS WITHIN ACCESSIBLE DISTANCE:
• PUBLIC TRANSPORT: local buses directly on the street (58, 153) and buses in the surrounding area (150, 250), which take you to shopping centers, subways, downtown, etc.
• SHOPPING CENTERS 10 minutes away (Etele Plaza, SPAR, LIDL, ALDI, ALLEE)
• kindergarten and school in the area
• SPORT CENTERS within reach (Sport11sport and leisure center approx. 5 minutes, Tüske swimming pool approx. 10 minutes, etc.)
• motorways M1 M7 exit a few minutes away....
Contact me for details.
153 square meter
510 square meter
to be renovated
Self-contained house
Modern convenience
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