Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VIII

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VIII » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VIII

129 900 000 Ft

€324 336
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Bencsik Veronika

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**Scroll down for english version** A beautifully RENOVATED, sophisticatedly furnished, bright, 118 sqm, 3-room, bourgeois-style property is for sale in downtown Budapest, in the Palatanegyed! LAYOUT: The spacious apartment has two separate bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a standing gallery, two bathrooms and storage rooms, as well as a spacious hall and a balcony overlooking the inner courtyard (3.14 m2). During the renovation a few years ago, special attention was paid to preserving the historical interior design values of the apartment (e.g. stucco, rosettes, copper handles and diagonal parquet). - The water and electrical lines were replaced, - The coverings were renewed, an infrared sauna was also installed, - A modern (environmentally conscious) heat pump cooling-heating system operating with GREEN electricity was also installed, thanks to which the new owner can count on low utility costs. The apartment is also easily accessible by public transport, the stops of trams 4-6 and metro lines 2, 3 and 4 are a few minutes away. There are plenty of restaurants, cafes, grocery stores and many other services in the area. Kindergartens, schools, universities and medical institutions are nearby, so the apartment is a great opportunity for families with children, the elderly, and even young people. Short-term rental (AIRBNB) is also allowed in the house!! Reference ID: ID-366883 ENGLISH: A fully renovated, well furnished, bright, 118 sqm apartment on the 1st floor in the heart of Budapest, in the Palace District. The apartment has two separate bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a gallery, two bathrooms, storage rooms, a spacious entrance hall and a balcony (3.14 sqm) facing the inner courtyard. During the renovation a few years ago, the owners paid special attention to preserve the historic interior (such as stucco, rosette, copper handles and diagonal parquet). The water and electrical wiring were replaced, the tiling was renewed, and an infrared sauna was added. A modern, environmentally-friendly green energy-powered heat pump cooling and heating system has also been installed, which will keep utility costs down for the new owner. The apartment has excellent public transport access, with tram 4-6, metro 2, metro 3 and metro 4 stops just a few minutes away. The area is rich in restaurants, cafés, grocery stores and many other services. There are kindergartens, schools, universities and medical institutions nearby, making the apartment a great option for families, seniors and even young adults. reference number: 366883

Original text
Corvin-negyed mellett kínálok eladásra egy gyönyörűen FELÚJÍTOTT igényesen berendezett, 1. emeleti, NAPFÉNYES, 118 nm-es,
3 szobás, zöld energiával hűtött-fűtött , nagypolgári stílusú ingatlant!

A terekben bővelkedő lakás két külön nyíló hálószobával, nappalival, konyha-étkezővel, álló galériával, két fürdőszobával továbbá tároló helységekkel, illetve tágas előszobával és belső udvarra néző erkéllyel (3,14 m2) rendelkezik.

A pár évvel ezelőtti felújítás során kiemelt figyelmet fordítottak a lakás történelmi belsőépítészeti értékeinek megőrzésére (pl. stukkók, rozetták, rézkilincsek és diagonális parketta).

-Víz- és az elektromos vezetékek kicserélésre kerültek,
-Burkolatok megújultak, egy infraszauna is helyet kapott,

-Modern (környezettudatos) ZÖLD árammal működő hőszivattyús hűtő-fűtő rendszer kialakítása is megtörtént,
melynek köszönhetően az új tulajdonos alacsony rezsiköltségekkel számolhat.

A lakás közösségi közlekedéssel is kiválóan megközelíthető, a 4-6-os villamos, a 2-es, 3-as és 4-es metróvonalak megállói pár percre találhatóak.

A környéken rengeteg étterem, kávézó, élelmiszerbolt és számos más szolgáltatás található.
Óvodák, iskolák, egyetemek és egészségügyi intézmények is vannak a közelben, így a lakás remek lehetőség gyermekes családok, időskorúak, de akár fiatalok számára is.

A házban engedélyezett a rövidtávúlakáskiadás (AIRBNB) is!!

Hivatkozási azonosító:

A fully renovated, well furnished, bright, 118 sqm apartment on the 1st floor in the heart of Budapest, in the Palace District.

The apartment has two separate bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a gallery, two bathrooms, storage rooms, a spacious entrance hall and a balcony (3.14 sqm) facing the inner courtyard.

During the renovation a few years ago, the owners paid special attention to preserve the historic interior (such as stucco, rosette, copper handles and diagonal parquet). The water and electrical wiring were replaced, the tiling was renewed, and an infrared sauna was added. A modern, environment-friendly green energy-powered heat pump cooling and heating system has also been installed, which will keep utility costs down for the new owner.

The apartment has excellent public transport access, with tram 4-6, metro 2, metro 3 and metro 4 stops just a few minutes away. The area is rich in restaurants, cafés, grocery stores and many other services. There are kindergartens, schools, universities and medical institutions nearby, making the apartment a great option for families, seniors and even young adults.

referenc number:

Details of Apartment

1st floor




Double convenience

50+ years

118 square meter




Street front
