Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII

Home » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII » Apartment for sale, Budapest, District VII

52 990 000 Ft

€132 138
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Fekete Zoltán

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VII is for sale. district, Alsóerdősor street, a 45 m2 floor area + 12 m2 gallery, completely renovated two years ago, brick-built, ground-floor apartment. It can be seen from the pictures, our website and the video on Tiktok / keztezoli007 / that the house in which the apartment is located is also in good condition and has been constantly maintained. A few years ago, the entire roof structure was renovated and the inside of the house was renewed as well. According to the floor plan, the property has a galleried living room, bathroom, separate toilet, study, kitchen and hall. Although it is a ground-floor apartment, a few steps separate it from the ground floor, which can also be seen in the video. During the renovation, the electricity and water pipes, connectors, fuse boards, gas circuit, radiators, and windows were also replaced, in addition to the aesthetic renovation, a safety grille was also installed. Common cost HUF 13,000, the total overhead approx. It can be kept between HUF 30-35 thousand, of course depending on consumption. I would recommend it mostly to couples, it might even be interesting for investors, because the government bond, to put it mildly, exceeded the good investment category. Well, we don't do politics. I recommend it to the elderly only if 4-5 more steps are not a problem, although my grandmother thought that climbing stairs keeps you fit and good for your heart. The poor man passed away in time, but his heart was still good :) Transportation is excellent, the Keleti railway station is just a hop away. Shopping and entertainment options are also quickly available. A hundred words are all the same, if you are looking for a similar property, do not make a decision until you have seen this one. I'm waiting for your call. You can call me at any time, I emphasize, at any time for questions related to real estate. But really :-) For sale in the 7th district, in Alsóerdősor street, a 45 m2 + 12 m2 ground floor apartment with gallery, fully renovated two years ago, brick construction. As you can see from the pictures, our website and the video on Tiktok / feketzoli007 / the house in which the apartment is located is also in a nice condition, constantly maintained. The entire roof structure was renovated a few years ago and the inside of the house has also been renewed. The property, according to the floor plan, has a galleried living room, bathroom, separate toilet, study, kitchen and hallway. Although it is a ground floor apartment, it is separated from the ground by a few steps, this can also be seen in the video. During the renovation, the electricity and water pipes, sockets, fuse boards, gas radiators and radiators, windows and doors have been replaced, in addition to the aesthetic renovation and the installation of a security grille. Common costs are 13,000 HUF, total overheads are between 30-35 thousand HUF, depending on consumption. I would recommend it mainly for couples, but it may also be interesting for investment purposes, because the government bond is, to put it mildly, beyond the good investment category. But let's not get political. I would recommend it to elderly people only if they don't mind 4-5 steps, although my grandmother used to say that climbing stairs keeps you fit and is good for the heart. She died in the meantime, but her heart was fine :) Transport is excellent, Keleti station is a hop, skip and a jump away. Shopping and entertainment are also within easy reach. If you are looking for a similar property, don't make a decision until you have seen this. I look forward to your call. For any property related questions, call me anytime, I stress anytime. Really :-) (Find more of our offer on the official website of VING.)

Original text
Eladó a VII. kerületben, az Alsóerdősor utcában, egy 45 m2 alapterületű + 12 m2 galériázott, két éve teljes körűen felújított, tégla építésű, földszinti lakás.
A képeken, a weboldalunkon és a Tiktokon / feketezoli007 / lévő videóban látható, hogy a ház, amelyben a lakás található, szintén szép állapotú, folyamatosan karban tartott. Néhány éve felújították a teljes tetőszerkezetet és a ház belül is megújult.

Az ingatlan, alaprajz szerint, galériázott nappali, fürdő, külön wc, dolgozószoba, konyha és előszoba elrendezésű.
Bár földszinti lakás, néhány lépcsőfok elválasztja a föld színétől, ez szintén látható a videóban.
Felújításkor a villany és vízvezetékek, konnektorok, biztosítéktáblák, gázcirkó és a radiátorok, nyílászárók is cserélve lettek, az esztétikai felújítás mellett valamint biztonsági rács is felszerelésre került.

Közös költség 13 000 Ft, a teljes rezsi kb. 30-35 ezer Ft között tartható, természetesen fogyasztástól függően.

Leginkább pároknak ajánlanám, esetleg befektetői célból lehet még érdekes, mert az államkötvény finoman szólva, túlhaladt a jó befektetés kategórián. Na de nem politizálunk. Időseknek csak akkor ajánlom, ha azért még 4-5 lépcsőfok nem okoz gondot, bár a nagymamám azt tartotta, hogy a lépcsőzés fitten tart, jót tesz a szívnek. Idő közben elhunyt szegény, de a szive amúgy jó volt :)

Közlekedés kiváló, a Keleti pályaudvar egy ugrásnyira van. Bevásárlási és szórakozási lehetőségek szintén gyorsan elérhetőek.

Száz szónak is egy a vége, amennyiben hasonló ingatlant keres, ne döntsön mindaddig, amíg ezt nem látta.
Várom hívását. Ingatlannal kapcsolatos kérdésekben bármikor, hangsúlyozom, bármikor hívhat.
De tényleg :-)

For sale in the 7th district, in Alsóerdősor street, a 45 m2 + 12 m2 ground floor apartment with gallery, fully renovated two years ago, brick construction.
As you can see from the pictures, our website and the video on Tiktok / feketezoli007 / the house in which the apartment is located is also in a nice condition, constantly maintained. The entire roof structure was renovated a few years ago and the inside of the house has also been renewed.

The property, according to the floor plan, has a galleried living room, bathroom, separate toilet, study, kitchen and hallway.
Although it is a ground floor apartment, it is separated from the ground by a few steps, this can also be seen in the video.
During the renovation, the electricity and water pipes, sockets, fuse boards, gas radiators and radiators, windows and doors have been replaced, in addition to the aesthetic renovation and the installation of a security grille.

Common costs are 13 000 HUF, total overheads are between 30-35 thousand HUF, depending on consumption.

I would recommend it mainly for couples, but it may also be interesting for investment purposes, because the government bond is, to put it mildly, beyond the good investment category. But let's not get political. I would recommend it to elderly people only if they don't mind 4-5 steps, although my grandmother used to say that climbing stairs keeps you fit and is good for the heart. She died in the meantime, but her heart was fine :)

Transport is excellent, Keleti station is a hop, skip and a jump away. Shopping and entertainment are also within easy reach.

If you are looking for a similar property, don't make a decision until you have seen this.
I look forward to your call. For any property related questions, call me anytime, I stress anytime.
Really :-)
(További kínálatunkat keresse a VING hivatalos weboldalán.)

Details of Apartment





Modern convenience


45 square meter



