Apartment for rent, Budapest, District II

Home » Apartment for rent, Budapest, District II » Apartment for rent, Budapest, District II

550 000 Ft

€1 373
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N. Balogh Johanna Zsuzsa

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Long-term rental of a FRESHLY renovated, furnished, fully mechanized, 2nd district apartment. Frankel Leó, 81 m2, 3 rooms, 1st floor, elevator, Can be divided into two smaller apartments if desired! Excellent for university students, colleagues. Urban pulsation, civil environment, yet quiet. * PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION * Surroundings and transportation There is everything that is important for an active life. Trams 4 and 6 are available day and night. Trams 17, 41, 19 are a few stops away from Batthyany, Széll Kálmán Square, Déli Railway Station, metros, Millenáris, Mammut, Fény Street Market, Komjádi Swimming Pool, ORFI, Komjádi Swimming Pool Market, Castle, Comedy Theater. Szentendrei Hév, countless buses are also a few steps away. 5-10 minutes walking distance to Margaret Island, shop, bakery, drugstore, restaurants, cafes, ice cream parlor, cinema, post office, pharmacy, Irgalmasrendi hospital, Lukács bath, Gül Baba's tomb. House Civil house, small, nice residential community. Apartment Freshly renovated, excellently laid out apartment, with huge windows, through which the light flows pleasantly in the morning. East facing. Can be divided into 2 apartments, a smaller studio and a more spacious apartment. Freshly furnished, with unique decoration. Fully mechanized. Every hour is unique. Heating is gas central heating, even in summer max. 23-24 celsius in the hottest heat! Common cost 24,000 HUF/month Overhead cost: approx. 20,000 HUF/month Parking: paying zone, for district residents 2,000 HUF per year. Due to its quietness and excellent location, it will be a perfect, loving apartment for you while you live and work in Budapest. Rental fee: 550,000 HUF/month The property can be moved in immediately for two monthly deposits and one monthly rental fee. .............................................................................................................. Apartment for long-term rent that can be divided into two parts! II. district, Frankel Leó, 81 m2, 3 rooms, 1st floor, elevator, city vibe, urban environment, Environment and transport It has everything that is important for an active life. Tram 4 and 6 are available 24 hours a day. With trams 17, 41, 19, there are a few stops at Batthyany, Széll Kálmán tér, Déli pályaudvar, metros, Millenáris, Mammut, Fény utcai market, Komjádi swimming pool, ORFI, Komjádi swimming pool market, Vár, Vígszínház. Szentendrei Hév, countless buses are also a few steps away. 5-10 minutes walking distance to Margaret Island, shop, bakery, drugstore, restaurants, cafes, ice cream parlor, cinema, post office, pharmacy, Irgalmasrendi hospital, Lukács bath, Gül Baba's tomb. House Town house, small, nice residential community. Apartment Newly renovated apartment with excellent layout, with huge windows that let in pleasant light in the morning. Its orientation is eastern. It can be divided into 2 apartments, a smaller studio and a more spacious apartment. It is newly furnished and uniquely decorated. Fully mechanized. Every watch is unique. Gas heating, even in summer, max. 23-24 celsius in the greatest heat! Common cost HUF 24,000/month Utilities: approx. HUF 20,000/month Parking: paid zone, HUF 2,000 per year for district residents. Due to its quietness and excellent location, you will have a perfect, loving apartment while you live and work in Budapest. Rent: HUF 550,000/month You can move into the flat immediately after you pay two months' deposit and one month's rent B.Zs.

Original text
Hosszútávra kiadó FRISSEN felújított, bútorozott, teljeskörűen gépesjtett, II. kerületi lakás. Frankel Leó, 81 m2, 3 szoba, 1. emelet, lift, Két kisebb lakrészre is osztható igény esetén! Kiváló egyetemisták, kollégák részére. Városi lüktetés, polgári környezet, mégis csend.


Környék és közlekedés

Minden van, ami egy aktív élethez fontos.
Éjjel- nappal rendelkezésre áll a 4-es 6-os villamos. 17-es, 41-es, 19-es villamossal pár megálló a Batthyany, Széll Kálmán tér, Déli pályaudvar, metrók, Millenáris, Mammut, Fény utcai piac, Komjádi uszoda, ORFI, Komjádi uszoda piaca, Vár, Vígszínház.
Szentendrei Hév , számtalan busz szintén pár lépésre.

5-10 perc sétatávolság Margit sziget, bolt, pékség, drogéria, éttermek, kávézok, fagyizó, mozi, posta, gyógyszertár, Irgalmasrendi kórház, Lukács fürdő, Gül Baba türbéje.


Polgári ház, kis számú, kedves lakóközösség.


Frissen felújított, kiváló elrendezésű lakás, hatalmas ablakokkal, melyen kellemesen árad be reggel a fény. Fekvése keleti.
2 lakrészre bontható, egy kisebb garzon és egy tágasabb lakásra.

Frissen bútorozott, egyedi dekorációval ellátott. Teljeskörűen gépesített.

Minden óra egyedi.
Fűtése gáz cirkó,

Nyáron is max. 23-24 celsius a legnagyobb hőségben!

Közös költség 24 000 Ft/hó
Rezsi költség: kb. 20 000 Ft/hó

Parkolás: fizető övezet, kerületi lakosok számára évi 2000 Ft.

Csendessége, kiváló elhelyezkedése miatt tökéletes, szerető lakása lesz, amíg Budapesten él, dolgozik.

Bérleti díj: 550 000 Ft/hó

Az ingatlan két havi kaució és egy havi bérleti díj
ellenében azonnal költözhetö.


Apartment for long-term rent that can be divided into two parts! II. district, Frankel Leó, 81 m2, 3 rooms, 1st floor, elevator, city vibe, urban environment,

Environment and transport

It has everything that is important for an active life.
Tram 4 and 6 are available 24 hours a day. With trams 17, 41, 19, there are a few stops at Batthyany, Széll Kálmán tér, Déli pályaudvar, metros, Millenáris, Mammut, Fény utcai market, Komjádi swimming pool, ORFI, Komjádi swimming pool market, Vár, Vígszínház.
Szentendrei Hév, countless buses are also a few steps away.

5-10 minutes walking distance to Margaret Island, shop, bakery, drugstore, restaurants, cafes, ice cream parlor, cinema, post office, pharmacy, Irgalmasrendi hospital, Lukács bath, Gül Baba's tomb.


Town house, small, nice residential community.


Newly renovated apartment with excellent layout, with huge windows that let in pleasant light in the morning. Its orientation is eastern.
It can be divided into 2 apartments, a smaller studio and a more spacious apartment.

It is newly furnished and uniquely decorated. Fully mechanized.

Every watch is unique.
Gas heating,

Even in summer, max. 23-24 celsius in the greatest heat!

Common cost HUF 24,000/month
Utilities: approx. HUF 20,000/month

Parking: paid zone, HUF 2,000 per year for district residents.

Due to its quietness and excellent location, you will have a perfect, loving apartment while you live and work in Budapest.

Rent: HUF 550,000/month

You can move in the flat immediately after you pay two months' deposit and one month's rent


Details of Apartment

1st floor




Double convenience

50+ years

81 square meter




Street front
